What others say

“We're pleased with where we got to with the strategy and are far better position because of the thinking RBA helped us through.”

David Clapperton
Chief Executive
Read Horowhenua Case Study

“I never endorse a consultant, but I will make a rare exception on this occasion. Rodney’s contribution to the international and national development of the Better Business Cases Programme in New Zealand has been outstanding and we could not have achieved what we have without his involvement. His leadership, brokering, coaching and facilitation not only established the programme but has been instrumental in its ongoing development. We have worked together in Washington and London and across New Zealand.  He is one of the few people, an expert, who fully understands “what is under the bonnet” in terms of the required products and process, and most of all the importance of people thinking and working together. He is first-class at facilitating the adoption of BBC and getting programmes and projects on track. Rodney continues to be engaged with the international development of BBC, so his knowledge and advice reflects the latest thinking.”

“Thank you for the excellent leadership you brought to the New Zealand School of Music Business Case project. It was a challenging assignment and you did an excellent job. Please keep in touch and hope we can work together again in the future.”

Mark Loveland
Chief Operating Officer

“RBA completed the project under the original estimated budget and advised as to how budget funds could be reallocated to ensure project completion and high-quality delivery. RBA very effectively utilised existing team resources to draw on expertise and avoid duplication of effort.

RBA built very strong, productive relationships with key stakeholders in an impressively short timeframe. This was demonstrated by the fact that after presenting a case study of how Better Business Cases (BBC) could be applied the key stakeholders approached RBA for assistance with a real budget proposal they were analysing. RBA spent a day working through a real budget proposal applying the BBC methodology.

RBA produced very high-quality products within extremely short timeframes. The products were well tailored to the context, and I was impressed with how quickly this was completed. RBA provided detailed progress reports every week against each output specified in the contract and clearly identified where decisions were required or risks may emerge.

RBA operated to a very high professional standard and always ensured any risks or potential contractual issues were identified and managed. RBA ensured that IP rights were respected and sought permission before using any material or branding. RBA used an innovative case study approach to training which was very effective and provided advice on how training could be provided in future through professional associations.

Rodney Barber is a very highly experienced expert on BBC and demonstrated strong management and leadership skills, effectively utilising the resources of the existing team. RBA also made effective use of partners, in this a registered training organization to conduct online testing and training.”

Confidential International Assignment